

What are your passions? Intersectional social justice, traveling, cooking, vulnerability, all things mystic, reading books that make me better (self-help or whatever) and alllll the feelings, lets have deep conversations!

What do you do / what are you working on? Trying to be the least shitty person I can be, using every ounce of privilege I have to uplift others, making the world a better place, one day at a time, using all the different tools in the tool box to achieve total liberation & …thinking about starting a podcast.

If money was no object what would you be doing? What I’m doing now. I’m so fortunate to be able to do the things I care about. Social justice work, hanging out with pets, & traveling. I would just be doing it on a much grander scale.

Someone / something that changed your life: My therapist, Colorado. I am indebted to everything she has given me. The tools, the courage, the belief in myself. I could not have become who I have without her. Normalize therapy, everyone needs a therapist. <3

What’s the best piece of advice that someone has given you? The dad at Disneyland years ago having a very calm, collected conversation with his very young child and said “The choice is up to you. Make a good choice.” Reminder: we always have a choice.

What are you reading/listening to/watching right now? Always listening to Armchair Expert podcast (but I listen to A LOT of podcasts!) Just read these books for Melina Abdullah’s Black Power class - Black Power, Freedom Dreams, N**** Theory, and When They Call You a Terrorist. Feel good watch - Ted Lasso because Schitt’s Creek is over (cries).

Something people don’t know about your pet: My two pups, Lydia & Floyd are not related. They look so similar but are 3/4 years apart.
